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Cool Tattoos!
Latest update: 週三, 26 九月 2012 09:10       Text by: 楊婉儀   

150Like many families with young children, we have recently been spending almost every weekend at various birthday parties.

Since summer alone, we have attended a soccer party, painting party, baking party, princess party, pirate party and just traditional kids parties with bouncy castles and magicians. As always, the kids love the fun and excitement at the parties but often, the parents enjoy the mingling even more!


Waiting …

I have found that one of the things Hannah and Jonah enjoy most about these parties are the face painting activities. It is truly amazing what these face painters can do! But because the kids must be painted one at a time, the line to the front is always very long. Waiting 15-20 minutes is quite the norm but none-the-less, the kids always insists on waiting.


I love the hearts Jonah painted on my face.

So after the last party, where Hannah and Jonah waited 20 minutes to have a unicorn and Superhero painted on their arms, I decided to try the art myself. I bought a set of brushes and some face paint and began experimenting on my own arm. I was confident that I would be able to create a beautiful princess easily…not so was the case. What began as a few nice strokes ended up being a big red and yellow blob. In fact, when the kids came home, they thought that I fell down and bruised my arm! My princess was unrecognizable! Of course, they thought it was very funny that mom’s blob was supposed to be a princess…


Spider-Man is one of Jonah's favorite characters.

Hannah and Jonah, being kids, of course wanted to join in the painting fun. We spent an entire day drawing on each other’s arms, legs and even faces. It was great fun and by the end of the day, we looked like a family of tattoo artists!


Hannah's princess looked much better than the one I tried.

While I would never be able to substitute a “real”face-painting artist, I must say we all made a good effort and had a great time. Next time, instead of buying crayons or paint for your child, consider face paint and let your face be their canvas. Have Fun!

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